Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Idaho in June

You know, I would explain more of these pictures if I had any idea what was going on, but I don't always get an explanation with these. The first one is a picture of a painting that my little Lotts(the kids I watch) and I made for Jeff. But the pink car I have no explanation for.

My aunt Stacey and I always used to think that the term Halo widow was funny because we both like video games more than our men do and so in our cases it would probably never be an issue. Jeff has found his new love though and he is now very much a golfer. I would have much more prefered video games to this. I guess it will be golf widow. Is that even a term?

Again, I'm speechless.

Cool armor, a guy in his area makes medieval clothing for a living.
Also just a reminder, Jeff's birthday is in two weeks and he will be 22. Please send him a card or a letter to wish him happy birthday. That would just make him feel really special. Thanks!

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